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How can I shop for recipes in my meal plan?

Using online shopping functionality and shopping list

Mark avatar
Written by Mark
Updated over 6 years ago

Planning your meals in advance and shopping for ingredients online are some of the best ways to ensure you stick to your plan by removing temptations. This is why we've made all our meal plan recipes shoppable.ย 

Depending on your preferences, you can either add ingredients straight to your online shopping cart or to a in-app shopping list you can use in store.

Buying ingredients online is simple:

  • Open the recipe you'd like to shop;

  • Tap on "Add to Online basket" button;

  • If needed, close your online basket tab and continue adding as many other recipes as you want;

  • Once you've selected all the meals you want to cook, make sure you review your list to remove any ingredients you might not need;

  • Select one of the following retailers: Waitrose, Tesco, Sainsbury's, Asda, Amazon Fresh or Ocado;

  • If you already have an account with your chosen retailer, log in and if not, you can easily create it;

  • Take a look at the products your ingredients were matched with and if needed, press to swap for another type of product;

  • Checkout and pay.

The good news is that once you've set up and account with a retailer, you will be able to skip a few steps and go straight from your online basket to reviewing products on the retailer site.ย 

For those who prefer to browse in store, we've made an in-app shopping list:

  • Open the recipe you'd like to shop;

  • Tap on an in-app shopping list icon next to "Add to online basket" button;

  • Repeat until you've selected all meals you'd like to cook;

  • You can find your shopping list on the upper left hand side of your meal plan;

  • The list allows you to check off the ingredients you've purchased or remove the ones you don't want to buy;

  • Once you're done with the recipe, you can simply remove it from your list.

In the long run, weekly planning your meals and buying ingredients in advance will not only save you time, but also increase your chances of sticking to the plan and thus achieving your health goals.ย 

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