If you are a health professional, who works with clients by helping them become healthier, you can greatly benefit from the OME Health platform. You grow your practice to hundreds if not thousands of customers by using the OME Health platform.
You are only 3 steps away from running your practice with the OME Health platform:
Please don't forget to come back to Platform guide for Health coaches collection of articles after registration. As a registered Health coach, you will have access to a number of How to topics to help you get started and scale.
Step 1: Register & get your Referral code
Go to OME Health registration page to create your account:
Step 2: Invite your Clients with your Referral code
Your Referral code is a unique code used to link your clients to your practice. You can find it (and modify it) under the Settings tab of your Profile page of the OME Health platform.
Your clients will need to use your Referral code while registering their user account at the OME Health app to get bound to you.
You can use any means necessary to share your Referral code with your clients and prospects - from your social media pages to emails or tweets.
Step 3: Clients use your Referral code when registering
Your clients will be asked for the Referral code when registering their new user account within the OME Health app.
Once they enter your Referral code, they will be displayed to you on your Clients page.